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Carnival moves on GB port

Seatrade Cruise News is reporting that Carnival is now one step closer to building a port on Grand Bahama after a new memorandum of understanding has “cleared the way for completion of negotiations with Carnival Cruise Line for the creation of a major cruise port with compelling attractions in East Grand Bahama,” according to a statement by Prime Minister Perry Christie. 

Seatrade Cruise News
Friday, June 10, 2016
Friday, June 10, 2016

Carnival logo… [Prime Minister] Christie said the government had executed a waiver of exclusivity with Freeport Harbour Co. with respect to the operation of cruise ports on Grand Bahama.

This, and a new memorandum of understanding with the Grand Bahama Port Authority, Hutchison Ports and other related entities, have ‘cleared the way for completion of negotiations with Carnival Cruise Line for the creation of a major cruise port with compelling attractions in East Grand Bahama,’ the prime minister said.

For some time, Carnival has been hoping to develop a destination in the Bahamas. At Grand Bahama, all cruise ships currently berth at a Freeport pier that’s adjacent to the container port. Freeport is on the island’s western end.

Carlos Torres de Navarra, vp commercial port operations for Carnival Cruise Line, indicated it’s premature to talk about the East Grand Bahama plans.

‘Carnival Cruise Line is looking at potential guest-enhancing opportunities in the Bahamas,’ he said in an email. ‘Carnival and government are in discussions, with details to come at a later date.’

This is an excerpt from Seatrade Cruise News as it appeared on June 10, 2016. For updates or to read the current version of this post in its entirety, please click here.

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Last week was Caribbean Week in New York City and the Bahamas Ministry of Tourism held a number of musical and cultural events all over the city. Watch a report about the promotion here.

Coinciding with this week's national referendum to amend the country’s constitution to allow for greater gender equality, the Inter-American Development Bank held a sixth summit on gender calling it the issue's biggest event for Latin America and the Caribbean while bringing together international experts at the IDB.

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