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The Bahamas Investor

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The Bahamas Investor Magazine Ad Index

ActivTrades Corp

P.O. Box SP-64388| 209-210 Church St
Nassau, NP, The Bahamas

Tel: (242) 676-3797 
Web: www.activtrades.bs | E-mail: info@activtrades.bs

Ansbacher (Bahamas) Ltd

P.O. Box N-7768 | 308 East Bay St, 4th Floor
Nassau, NP, The Bahamas

Tel: (242) 322-1161 | Fax: (242) 326-5020
Web: www.ansbacher.bs | E-mail: info@ansbacher.bs


38 Industrial Park, Western Rd

Nassau, NP, The Bahamas

Tel: (242) 377-7182 | Fax: (242) 377-6966

Web: www.avis.com.bs | E-mail: avisbahamas@coralwave.com

Bahamas Financial Services Board

P.O. Box N-1764 | Montague Sterling Centre,
East Bay St | Nassau, NP, The Bahamas

Tel: (242) 393-7001 | Fax: (242) 393-7712
Web: www.bfsb-bahamas.com
E-mail: info@bfsb-bahamas.com

Bahamas Handbook

P.O. Box N-7513 | 51 Hawthorne Rd,
Nassau, NP, The Bahamas

Tel: (242) 323-5665 | Fax: (242) 323-5728
Web: www.bahamashandbook.com


P.O. Box N-7513 | 51 Hawthorne Rd
Nassau, NP, The Bahamas

Tel: (242) 323-5665 | Fax: (242) 323-5728
Web: www.bahamas.bs
E-mail: info@dupuch.com

Blue Orchid

P.O. Box EE-15017 | 91 Dowdeswell St
Nassau, NP, The Bahamas

Tel: (242) 323-3322 | Fax: (242) 326-5020
Web: www.blueorchidadvertising.com | E-mail: info@blueorchid.tv

Budget Rent A Car

P.O. Box SS-6242 | Shirley Park Ave

Nassau, NP, The Bahamas

Tel: (242) 377-9000 or 325-8154 | Fax: (242) 377-7956 or 323-7545

Web: www.budget.com | E-mail: bracnas@batelnet.bs


P.O. Box N-7513 | 51 Hawthorne Road,
Nassau, NP, The Bahamas

Tel: (242) 323-5665 | Fax: (242) 323-5728
Web: www.caribbean.com
E-mail: sales@caribbean.com

CBH Bahamas Ltd

P.O. Box N-1724 | CBH House, East Bay St
Nassau, NP, The Bahamas

Tel: (242) 394-6161 | Fax: (242) 394-6262
Web: www.cbhbank.com | E-mail: nassau@cbhbank.com

Cornèr Bank Overseas Ltd/Cornèrtrader.com

P.O. Box N-7134 | 308 East Bay Street
Nassau, The Bahamas

Tel (242) 394-4977 | Fax (242) 394-5264
www.cornertrader.com | E-mail: info@cornertrader.com

Cottis Law

P.O. Box AP-59223 | No 1 Caves Professional Centre, Suite 368
West Bay St | Nassau, NP, The Bahamas

Tel: (242) 327-3030| Fax: (242) 327-3035
Web: www.cottislaw.com | E-mail: info@cottislaw.com

EFG Bank & Trust (Bahamas) Ltd

P.O. Box SS-6289 | Goodman’s Bay Corporate Centre, 3rd floor, West Bay St
Bldg 2, Offices at Old Fort, Western Rd |
 Nassau, NP, The Bahamas

Tel: (242) 502-5400 | Fax: (242) 502-5494
Web: www.efgbankbahamas.com

Equity Bank & Trust (Bahamas)

P.O. Box N-10697 | Caves Village, West Bay St
Nassau, NP, Bahamas

Tel: (242) 676-8188 Fax: (242) 676-8199
Web: www.equitybahamas.com
E-mail: info@equitybahamas.com

Etienne Dupuch Jr Publications Ltd

P.O. Box N-7513 | 51 Hawthorne Rd
Nassau, NP, The Bahamas

Tel: (242) 323-5665 | Fax: (242) 323-5728
Web: www.dupuch.com
E-mail: info@dupuch.com


P.O. Box N-3231 | One Montague Place,
East Bay St | Nassau, NP, The Bahamas

Tel: (242) 502-6000 | Fax: (242) 502-6090
Web: www.ey.com/bahamas
E-mail: info.ey@bs.ey.com

Gonet Bank & Trust (Bahamas) Ltd

P.O. Box SP-61302 | Building 8, Old Fort, Western Rd
Nassau, NP, Bahamas

Tel: (242) 362-5406 or 676-6200 Fax: (242) 362-5405 or 698-0626
Web: www.bankgonet.com

Holdun Family Office

P.O. Box SP-63158 | Albany Financial Centre, Suite 303
South Ocean Blvd | Nassau, NP, The Bahamas

Tel: (242) 601-2021
Web: www.holdun.com
E-mail: info@holdun.com

Insurance Commission of The Bahamas

P.O. Box N-4844 | 31A Poinciana House East Bay St
Shirley & Charlotte St | Nassau, NP, The Bahamas

Tel: (242) 397-4183 | Fax: (242) 328-1070
Web: www.icb.gov.bs
E-mail: info@icb.gov.bs

J. S. Johnson & Co, Ltd

P.O. Box N-8337 | 34 Collins Ave
Nassau, NP, The Bahamas

Tel: (242) 397-2100 | Fax: (242) 323-3720
Web: www.jsjohnson.com
E-mail: info@jsjohnson.com

JBR Building Supplies

P.O. Box SS-5664 | Wulff Road
Nassau, NP, The Bahamas

Tel: (242) 393-0512 or 393-8006 | Fax: (242) 393-8013
Web: www.jbrbuild.com

John Bull

P.O. Box N-3737 | 284 Bay St,
Nassau, NP, The Bahamas

Tel: (242) 302-2800 | Fax: (242) 323-7600
Web: www.johnbull.com | E-mail: info@johnbull.com

LOM Financial (Bahamas) Ltd

P.O. Box AP-59223 | LOM House, 3 Pineapple Grove
Western Rd | Nassau NP, The Bahamas

Tel: (242) 327-5100 | Fax: (242) 327-5101
Web: www.lom.com | E-mail: info@lom.com

Lombard Odier & Cie (Bahamas) Limited

P.O. Box N-4938 | Goodman’s Bay Corporate Centre,
West Bay St | Nassau, NP, The Bahamas

Tel: (242) 302-2100 | Fax: (242) 302-2101
Web: www.lombardodier.com
E-mail: nassau@lombardodier.com

Lyford Cay Foundations, Inc

P.O. Box N-7776 | Templeton Global Advisors Bldg
Western Rd | Nassau, NP, The Bahamas

Tel: (242) 362-4910 | Fax: (242) 362-5449
Web: www.lyfordcayfoundation.org | E-mail: info@lyfordcayfoundation.org

Pictet Bank & Trust Limited

P.O. Box N-4837 | Bayside Executive Park, Bldg 1
West Bay St and Blake Rd | Nassau, NP, The Bahamas

Tel: (242) 302-2222 | Fax: (242) 327-6610
Web: www.pictet.com | E-mail: swillie@pictet.com

Private Investment Bank Ltd

P.O. Box N-3918 | Devonshire House, Queen St
Nassau, NP, Bahamas

Tel: (242) 302-5950 Fax: (242) 323-3151
Web: www.pib.bs
E-mail: pibank@pib.bs

Securities Commission of The Bahamas

P.O. Box N-8347 | 31A Poinciana House, East Bay St
Nassau NP, The Bahamas

Tel: (242) 397-4100 | Fax: (242) 356-7530
Web: www.scb.gov.bs | E-mail: info@scb.gov.bs

The Bahamas Investor

P.O. Box N-7513 | 51 Hawthorne Road,
Nassau, NP, The Bahamas

Tel: (242) 323-5665 | Fax: (242) 323-5728
Web: www.thebahamasinvestor.com
E-mail: info@dupuch.com

The Pointe

P.O. Box SP-64291 | Financial Tower Suite 600,
1 Bay St | Nassau, NP, The Bahamas

Tel: (242) 603-8800 | Fax: (242) 393-7712
Web: www.pointebahamas.com | E-mail: sales@pointebahamas.com

The Private Trust Corporation Ltd

P.O. Box N-65 | Charlotte House
Charlotte Street | Nassau, NP, Bahamas
Tel: (242) 397-8000 | Fax: (242) 326-8388
Web: www.privatetrustco.com | E-mail: info@privatetrustco.com

The Residences at Goldwynn

P.O. Box N-8727 | 340 West Bay St,
Nassau, NP, The Bahamas

Tel: (242) 698-9966 | Tel: (833) 314-7121
Web: www.goldwynnbahamas.com | E-mail: info@goldwynn.com

Tops Lumber & Plumbing

P.O. Box SS-5664 | Wilton St
Nassau, NP, The Bahamas

Tel: (242) 325-3507 or 394-0835/6 | Fax: (242) 394-0641

Vukota Capital Management

P.O. Box SS-6204 | Offices at Old Fort, Bldg 9, Western Rd
Nassau, NP, The Bahamas

Tel: (242) 601-5436 | Fax: (242) 393-0836
Web: www.vukotacapital.com | E-mail: info@vukotacapital.com

The Bahamas Investor
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