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Labour Minister meets with FS industry leaders

The advancement of Bahamians to high paying jobs in the financial services sector and the enhanced regulation of the industry were some of the matters raised by Minister of Labour Dion Foulkes during discussions with executives of The Bahamas Financial Services Board and the Association of International Banks and Trusts 5 October 2017. Pictured: Tanya McCartney, Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director of The Bahamas Financial Services Board; Cecilia Strachan, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Labour; Minister Foulkes; Bruno Roberts, Co-Chairman of the Association of International Banks and Trusts; Antoinette Russell, Director, Credit Suisse Trust Ltd and BFS Board; Althea Albury, Acting Director of the Department of Labour; Ricardo Deveaux, First Assistant Secretary, Ministry of Labour; Shavonne Symonette, Administration Officer, Ministry of Labour and Yolantha Yallop, Legal Council, Department of Labour. (Photo by Pia Rolle/DOL)

Wednesday, October 18, 2017
Wednesday, October 18, 2017

The advancement of Bahamians to high paying jobs in the financial services sector and the enhanced regulation of the industry were some of the matters raised by Minister of Labour Dion Foulkes during discussions with executives of The Bahamas Financial Services Board (BFSB) and the Association of International Banks and Trusts (AIBT) 5 October 2017.

The BFSB executives were led by chief executive officer and executive director of the board Tanya McCartney. Bruno Roberts, co-chairman of the AIBT along with Antoinette Russell, director of Credit Suisse Trust led the AIBT delegation.

Minister of State for Grand Bahama in the Office of the Prime Minister Kwasi Thompson says he plans to make Grand Bahama the centre of a technology hub in The Bahamas.

Preliminary indications are that domestic economic growth remained relatively subdued, activity in the construction sector continued to be supported by FDI projects and ongoing hurricane reconstruction, and in the monetary sector, both liquidity and external reserves rose robustly.

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