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Hurricane Sandy aftermath – photos

The Prime Minister is touring the Family Islands to assess the damage left in the wake of Hurricane Sandy. Pictured: (Grand Bahama) Prime Minister Perry Christie listens to Era Gibson, a resident of Queen’s Cove, Grand Bahama, while she explains her experience October 28, 2012. (BIS Photo/Peter Ramsay). See more photographs of the destruction after the jump. 

Monday, October 29, 2012
Monday, October 29, 2012

Fishing Hole Road was extensively damaged

GRAND BAHAMA, The Bahamas — Fishing Hole Road was extensively damaged by flooding during Hurricane Sandy. Government and NEMA officials view the damage October 28, 2012. (BIS Photo/Peter Ramsay)

A banana farm in Long Island was destroyed

LONG ISLAND, The Bahamas — A banana farm in Long Island was destroyed when Hurricane Sandy passed through. Farmer Scofield Miller said the two-acre crop was entirely decimated. (BIS Photo/Peter Ramsay)

Erosion of the infrastructure is quite visible in Cat Island

CAT ISLAND, The Bahamas — Erosion of the infrastructure is quite visible in Cat Island following the destructive path of Hurricane Sandy. Prime Minister Perry Christie, government and the Bahamas’ National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) officials view the site October 27, 2012. (BIS Photo/Peter Ramsay)

US stock and options markets will shut down Monday as Hurricane Sandy drenches Manhattan.

A cable and Internet provider in The Bahamas says it is planning to expand to the nearby US state of Florida. Cable Bahamas Ltd says a $65-million deal would give the Nassau-based company access to millions of potential customers in the state.

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