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Government committed to stimulating economic growth

The government of The Bahamas remains focused on stimulating economic growth through inward direct foreign investment, increasing support for small and medium size business development, improving the domestic environment for doing business and strengthening the productivity of The Bahamas’ workforce, according to the Ministry of Finance. This was in response to Standard & Poor's downgrading of the nation's credit rating from BBB+/A-2, to BBB/A-3 and its transfer and currency convertibility assessment from A- to BBB+. 

The Bahamas Government
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Thursday, November 3, 2011

PRESS RELEASE – The Ministry of Finance acknowledges the decision of Standard and Poors to lower The Bahamas’ Credit Rating from BBB+/A-2, to BBB/A-3 and its transfer and currency convertibility assessment from A- to BBB+. During recent discussions with Standard and Poors the Credit Agency made it clear that it was changing its methodology to place greater emphasis on ‘diversification’ and growth ‘prospects’.

Given The Bahamas’ economic concentration on tourism and financial services for more than 50 years and given its limited growth prospects in the current challenging global economic environment, it seemed likely that a rating down grade would follow this change in methodology.

This notwithstanding the Government of The Bahamas remains focused on stimulating economic growth through inward direct foreign investment, increasing support for small and medium size business development, improving the domestic environment for doing business and strengthening the productivity of The Bahamas’ workforce.

The Government also remains focused on strategies to reverse the current fiscal circumstances of the Country by slowing the growth rate of our debt – to – GDP Ratio and eventually reversing the same in order to return it to more sustainable levels. We will continue to focus on these in order to create optimum opportunities for the citizens of The Bahamas to be employed, to increase their income generating capacity and pursue their business interests.

This is an excerpt from The Bahamas Government as it appeared on November 3, 2011. For updates or to read the current version of this post in its entirety, please click here.

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A total of 28 new attorneys took the oath in the Supreme Court last week, joining the ranks of practicing lawyers on the island. Arthur Hanna, director of the Eugene Dupuch Law School's Legal Aid Clinic, called for "fresh ideas" to reinvigorate the profession.

Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham has proclaimed the month of November 2011 as Compliance Professional Month to mark The Bahamas Association of Compliance Officers' (BACO) 12th anniversary.

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