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Christmas greetings from Bahamas Minister of Tourism – video

Minister of Tourism and Aviation Vincent Vanderpool-Wallace has posted a Christmas message on the Tourism Today YouTube channel. In it the Minister says that The Bahamas welcomed five million visitors in 2011 and is expecting the upward trend to continue into next year. Watch the full video here. 

Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham heralds the new Straw Market in downtown Nassau as being a symbol of Bahamian ingenuity and creativity. Read the Prime Minister's remarks here.

The Bahamas government recently signed a guarantee contract with the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) for a loan totalling $81 million for an entire upgrade of the water and sewerage facilities on New Providence. The objective of the programme is to improve efficiency and quality of service provision of potable water and address immediate problems of sanitation. For a closer look at the terms of the agreement view PDFs of the contract here.

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