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Bahamas at CHOGM – photos

A large, high-ranking delegation from The Bahamas attended the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) held in Colombo, Sri Lanka, November 15-17. Click here to see the delegation's full size official photo.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013
Tuesday, November 19, 2013

A large, high-ranking delegation from The Bahamas attended the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) held in Colombo, Sri Lanka, November 15-17.

During the three-day forum, Prime Minister Perry Christie had a bilateral meeting with John Key, Prime Minister of New Zealand November 15.

The two heads of government discussed a number of matters including the bilateral relationship between The Bahamas and New Zealand; the Commonwealth; and United Nations issues, including New Zealand’s campaign for the UN Security Council for the term 2015 to 2016.

Prime Minister Christie advised the Prime Minister of New Zealand of the proposed implementation of value added tax (VAT) in The Bahamas and enquired of possibilities for cooperation between the two countries on this matter.

Christie also thanked New Zealand for their pledge of support to The Bahamas’ candidature for re-election to the Council of the International Maritime Organization (IMO). The vote will take place in London November 29, 2013.

Frederick Mitchell, Bahamas Minister of Foreign Affairs and Immigration, also participated in the Commonwealth Foreign Ministers Roundtable with Civil Society and Commonwealth Associated Organisations.

Representatives from civil society conversed with Foreign Ministers on their perspectives for a Commonwealth Post-2015 development agenda and Minister Mitchell encouraged those Commonwealth Associated Organisations, specifically the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA) for further engagement and interaction with all people across the Commonwealth.


Pictured: (from left) Vijay Krishnarayan, Commonwealth Foundation director; Myn Garcia, Commonwealth Foundation deputy director; Sir Anand Satyanand, chair of the Commonwealth Foundation; Frederick Mitchell, Bahamas Minister of Foreign Affairs and Immigration. (BIS Photo/Peter Ramsay)


Prime Minister Perry Christie (left) with John Key, Prime Minister of New Zealand, November 15, Colombo, Sri Lanka. (BIS Photo/Peter Ramsay)

An International Monetary Fund team, headed by Mbuyamu Matungulu (pictured, top), visited The Bahamas November 3-16 to conduct discussions for the 2013 Article IV consultations. The team met with high ranking government officials.

The Bahamas should see a boost in economic growth beginning in 2014, according to the International Monetary Fund. The fund said that a reduction in stopover tourist arrivals and the completion of major public infrastructure projects is being offset by a pickup in foreign private investment under the large Baha Mar project and other smaller foreign-financed ventures in the tourism sector. Read our excerpt from Caribbean Journal. (CaribJournal.com)

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