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Bahamas government registered stock issue–$60 million

The government of The Commonwealth of The Bahamas has invited applications for Bahamas Registered Stock totaling $60 million, according to The Central Bank of The Bahamas. The Stock will be available in a range of maturity dates; the earliest being repayable in 2016 and the latest in 2028. 

The Central Bank of The Bahamas
Friday, October 28, 2011
Friday, October 28, 2011

NASSAU, Oct. 28 (The Central Bank of The Bahamas) – Issued under The Bahamas Registered Stock Act, and authorized by Resolutions of the House of Assembly, 9th June, 2011, the Government of The Commonwealth of The Bahamas invites applications for Bahamas Registered Stock totaling B$60,000,000.00. The Stock will be available in a range of maturity dates; the earliest being repayable in 2016 and the latest in 2028. Applications will be received by The Banking Department beginning at 9:30 a.m. on 31st October, 2011 and will close at 3:00 p.m. on 8th November, 2011. Allocations will commence at 9:30 a.m. on 9th November, 2011 and will cease at 3:00 p.m. on 10th November, 2011. If the total subscriptions exceed the sum of B$60,000,000.00 (Nominal) partial allotment will be made to subscribers, and a proportionate refund will be made as soon as possible after allotment. No interest will be paid on amounts so refunded.

Click here to download a copy of the prospectus.

This is an excerpt from The Central Bank of The Bahamas as it appeared on October 28, 2011. For updates or to read the current version of this post in its entirety, please click here.

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International Monetary Fund's Regional Economic Outlook: Western Hemisphere report says key components need to be put in place by policy makers to protect the stability of the banking system.

The US Commerce Department said today that consumer spending increased 0.6 per cent, matching expectations, after a 0.2 per cent gain in August, according to Reuters. Consumer spending accounts for about 70 per cent of US economic activity.

The Bahamas Investor
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