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Tourism Minister launches new initiative in NYC

The "16 Weddings, 16 Islands, One Priceless Day" marketing campaign was launched by the Ministry of Tourism on Valentine's Day last week in New York City. The competition gives engaged couples in the US the chance to win a destination wedding in The Bahamas. Pictured: (from left) Tourism deputy director general Ellison Thompson; Director of romance Freda Malcolm; Elite Traveler editor-in-chief Doug Gollan; and Minister of Tourism Obie Wilchcombe. (Photo via Ministry of Tourism)

Tuesday, February 18, 2014
Tuesday, February 18, 2014

NEW YORK, NY. February 14, 2014 — More than 100,000 people experienced a destination wedding in The Bahamas last year, and the country wants to attract even more in years to come, Minister of Tourism Obie Wilchcombe told seasoned travel writers and business partners last week, as the Ministry of Tourism launched its latest niche market promotion.

The “16 Weddings, 16 Islands, One Priceless Day” invitation was extended to engaged couples throughout the US in a launch event held at Per Se. The invitation will allow the couples to learn about the 16 major islands of The Bahamas online, then use the selected website to enter to win a destination wedding on one of those 16 islands.

“This promotion is so important,” said Minister Wilchcombe at the launch. “It is so important because over the next several months, as people register and they tell us why they want to come to The Bahamas, they will get to see all the places. They will get to know that The Bahamas is more than the capital city. They will get to know that there are other islands that you can come to in The Bahamas and you can sit at home and plan to have this wonderful day and have this wonderful celebration.”

Minister Wilchcombe also thanked the dozens of top New York writers who attended the event.

“Last year, more than 100,000 people came to The Bahamas to enjoy this romantic experience, and over the past 10 years, more than a million came who were connected to some wedding. So, just imagine what we can do with your support,” he said.

The launch coincided with the unveiling of a billboard that will be displayed throughout 2014 in New York City’s Times Square.

Social media platforms such as Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Facebook, along with a Bahamas Romance Blog, newsletters and editorial banners, will allow widespread interaction with the invitation.

The Bahamas also launched a new romance trip-planning wizard to enhance a couple’s initial research experience for the perfect Bahamas island wedding.

The Bahamas Telecommunications Co, part of Cable & Wireless Communications, has completed the full commercial launch of the country’s only Long Term Evolution (LTE) mobile data services.

Ministry of Tourism will be hosting a Small Island Developing States conference this week in Nassau. Watch a report on the upcoming event here.

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